Prose from the Bucket List – Oh, and Then There’s that Wolf Again

I have said this before –
There are times when people seem lost or better yet, if a person is about to embark on a new journey, or how about this – when someone is about to embrace an unexpected change or a turn of events shows up without an invitation, it can be unsettling at first. It can be hard to roll with the punches or to evolve with the changes, especially if we don’t know where to begin.
Sometimes, I find this is true for myself. I’m not sure where to start. I don’t know where to go first or how to begin or what to expect.

Like Bob Dylan once sang, “My weariness amazes me.”
If I think about it, so does our ability to overcome.
This amazes me too.

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Prose from the Bucket List – To Be Thy Keeper

We are who we think we are. Otherwise, who are we?

If we believe that we are enough or if we believe that we have value and that we are worth the world then, of course, we are worth more than say, if we think we are worthless or otherwise, a burden or a bother.

As he thinks, so he is; as he continues to think, so he remains.”
James Allen

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Prose from the Bucket List – Sunday Morning

Sunday morning –
The sun is coming up and there is so much to do. Yet, there is nothing to do at all – except to disconnect or to relax or to let go of oneself, or to allow the moment to be sufficient enough that ah, the sunrise is here and the new day upon us is enough to cover us like the first wave of a high tide that covers the dry side of the shoreline.
Quenched of its thirst.

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Prose from the Bucket List – Tough

Back when I was younger, I eventually thought that I’d be tougher.
And I don’t mean this as if to say that I am not tough or that I have never been tough at all.
No, I can say that there were spurts of toughness and acts of mine that were the toughest of all because, above all, my acts were true, same as all of this is true – or at least this is true to me.

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Prose from the Bucket List – Time to Live

I have heard the saying, “life is short.”
And it is. Time is ticking.
The clock is on and yes, life is too short to be complicated with indecision, which means now is the time to move.
Now is the time to stand up. Or better yet and in the spirit of this journal – now is the time to cross these items off of our list.

This means now is the time to live.
Take a risk.
Go someplace. Do something different.
Don’t be afraid.

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Prose from the Bucket List – Stick-to-itiveness

I remember back when I was a kid and The Old Man would tell me that I quit too easily. He’d say that I gave up too quickly, that I didn’t even try or that whenever things were tough or the fight was too much, I’d fold up and give in.
He told me that I didn’t have any stick-to-itiveness.
Stick-to-itiveness . . .
It’s a good word

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Prose from the Bucket List – From the Heart

What does it mean to have fun, anyway?
What does it mean to trip the light fantastic? Or to dance or to sway to music?
What does it mean to toss all of our cares behind us and completely abandon all regards of that which is beyond our control?
What does it mean to live or love, or laugh or learn and be in the moment and to live, just in that moment; as if nothing could take us away from this; as if nothing could stop or destroy us; and for the moment, what does it mean to be so filled with satisfaction and the absolute pleasure of being in one single solitary minute, just a minute, that’s all – and to be so entwined in this, that for the time being, there is no wrong; there are no such things as cruelties to humankind – and/or, for the moment, what does it mean to literally and viscerally feel the celebration of life around us?

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Prose from the Bucket List – Kindness

While it would be nice to describe the start of my day begins with a walk to a mailbox at the end of a long driveway in a secluded section of town, nice big house, a community among the stars, maybe we could put this somewhere out in sunny California, or maybe elsewhere at a place where the rich live and the homes are mostly paid with royalty checks and the bank accounts are all full with an accountant to monitor the flow of expenses. But no.
The truth of the matter is I am a worker. I have bills. I have a small apartment and a car that has seen better days. I have expenses and for the time being, I am spread thin and often I find that I have to burn the candle at both ends so that I can make ends meet.

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Prose from the Bucket List – Let Me Make This Clear

I have news for you. There is no “perfect.”
There’s only us and how we are, which is perfect for me because whether I am flawed or blemished, I am completely me. No ifs, ands or buts.
It would be dishonest if I were to say that I am not looking for a cure. It would be dishonest to say that I have nothing to hide or that I have no secrets or hang-ups.

No, I am me, which means I am human, which means I come with a past history, which means I have biases and worries. I have scars and marks. I have fears and concerns.
I also have the unseeable or invisible injuries which is no different from anyone else.

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